package gopherproxy var tpltext = ` {{ .Title }} - {{ .Protocol | title }} proxy
{{- $page := . -}} {{- $href := "" -}} {{- $uriParts := split .URI "/" -}} {{- $uriLast := $uriParts | last -}} {{- $uriParts = $uriParts | pop -}} {{- if eq $uriLast "" -}} {{- $uriLast = $uriParts | last -}} {{- $uriParts = $uriParts | pop -}} {{- end -}} {{ .Protocol }}://:// {{- $href = printf "%s/%s" $href .Protocol -}} {{- range $i, $part := $uriParts -}} {{- if and (eq $page.Protocol "gopher") (eq $i 1) -}} {{- $href = printf "%s/1" $href -}} {{- $part = $part | trimLeftChar -}} {{- if not (eq $part "") -}} {{- $href = printf "%s/%s" $href $part -}} /{{ $part }} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{- $href = printf "%s/%s" $href . -}} {{- if ne $i 0 -}} / {{- end -}} {{ . }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- if ne (len $uriParts) 0 -}} / {{- end -}} {{- if and (eq $page.Protocol "gopher") (eq (len $uriParts) 1) -}} {{- $uriLast = $uriLast | trimLeftChar -}} {{- end -}} {{ $uriLast }}
{{- if and (not .Lines) (not .Error) (eq .Protocol "gopher") -}} {{- end -}}
        {{- if .Lines -}}
          {{- $content := "" -}}
          {{- range .Lines -}}
            {{- if ne $content "" -}}
              {{- $content = printf "%s\n" $content -}}
            {{- end -}}
            {{- if .Link -}}
              {{- $content = printf "%s%s" $content (printf "%s  %s" .Type .Type .Link (.Text | HTMLEscape)) -}}
            {{- else -}}
              {{- $content = printf "%s%s" $content (printf "     %s" (.Text | HTMLEscape)) -}}
            {{- end -}}
          {{- end -}}
          {{- $content | safeHtml -}}
        {{- else -}}
          {{- .RawText -}}
        {{- end -}}