@use 'sass:list'; @use 'sass:map'; @use 'sass:meta'; @function is-prop-ref($value) { @if meta.type-of($value) != 'list' { @return false; } @if list.length($value) != 4 { @return false; } @if list.nth($value, 1) != 'prop-ref' { @return false; } @return true; } @function def($name, $value: (), $metadata: ()) { @return ('prop-ref' $name $value $metadata); } @function merge($ref, $value) { @if not is-prop-ref($ref) { @return $ref; } $v: list.nth($ref, 3); $ref: list.set-nth($ref, 3, map.deep-merge($v, $value)); @return $ref; } @function get-deep($name, $value, $key: null, $keys...) { @if is-prop-ref($value) { @return get($value, $key, $keys); } @if meta.type-of($value) == 'map' and $key != null { @if meta.type-of($key) != 'string' { @error 'Expected string, got #{$key}'; } @return get-deep(#{$name}#{$key}, map.get($value, $key), $keys...); } @return $name $value; } @function map-to-vars($name, $map) { @if meta.type-of($map) != 'map' { @if meta.type-of($name) != 'string' { @error 'Expected variable name, got #{$name} instead'; } @return var($name); } $out: (); @each $key, $value in $map { $out: map.set($out, $key, map-to-vars(#{$name}#{$key}, $value)); } @return $out; } @function get($ref, $key: null, $keys...) { @if not is-prop-ref($ref) { @return $ref; } $name: list.nth($ref, 2); $value: get(list.nth($ref, 3)); @if meta.type-of($value) == 'map' { $res: get-deep($name, $value, $key, $keys...); $name: list.nth($res, 1); $value: list.nth($res, 2); } @else if meta.type-of($value) == 'list' { $i: 1; @each $item in $value { $value: list.set-nth($value, $i, get($item)); $i: $i + 1; } } @return map-to-vars($name, $value); } @mixin materialize-helper($name, $value) { @if meta.type-of($value) == 'map' { @each $key, $value in $value { @include materialize-helper(#{$name}#{$key}, $value); } } @else { #{$name}: #{$value}; } } @mixin materialize($ref, $match-meta: null) { @if is-prop-ref($ref) { $name: list.nth($ref, 2); $value: get(list.nth($ref, 3)); $meta: get(list.nth($ref, 4)); $match: true; @if meta.type-of($match-meta) == 'list' { @each $item in $match-meta { $match: $match and list.index($meta, $item) != null; } } @else { $match: $match and list.index($meta, $match-meta) != null; } @if $match-meta == null or $match { @include materialize-helper($name, $value); } } @else if meta.type-of($ref) == 'list' { @each $r in $ref { @if is-prop-ref($r) { $name: list.nth($r, 2); $value: get(list.nth($r, 3)); $meta: get(list.nth($r, 4)); $match: true; @if meta.type-of($match-meta) == 'list' { @each $item in $match-meta { $match: $match and list.index($meta, $item) != null; } } @else { $match: $match and list.index($meta, $match-meta) != null; } @if $match-meta == null or $match { @include materialize-helper($name, $value); } } } } }