//// /// responsive properties. /// /// The mixins and functions in this file allow you to scale any px- or rem-based value depending on /// the available viewport width. One popular use case is the dynamic scaling of fonts. /// /// The code in this file is based on an article by Niklas Postulart: /// http://niklaspostulart.de/2015/10/sass-responsive-type-mixin /// /// The following adjustments were made: /// - Support any property passed by the user, not just font-size /// - Allow multiple target viewports / values /// - Provide a variant of the mixin which integrates include-media for media queries /// /// @group Responsive /// /// @access public //// @use './functions'; @use './contexts'; /// /// If true, named viewports will be supported if a compatible $breakpoints map exists. /// This is the case for [include-media](https://include-media.com/), for example. /// /// @type bool /// $support-named-viewports: true !default; /// /// Context ID used for responsive environment-related mixins. /// /// @type string /// $context-id: 'responsive' !default; /// /// Scale a property uniformly between a specific set of target viewports / values. /// /// @param {string | list} $props - Property or list of properties to set /// @param {number} $responsive-map - A map with keys = viewports and values = target value /// @param {bool} $fluid [true] - If enabled, property values will smoothly transition from one viewport to the next /// @param {bool} $vertical [false] - If enabled, property viewport height will be used instead of viewport width /// /// @example scss - Responsive font-size between 2 viewports /// .something { /// @include property(font-size, ( 320px: 20px, 720px: 30px )); /// } /// /// // Generates: /// /// @media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 720px) { /// .something { /// font-size: calc(20px + 10 * ((100vw - 20px) / 400)); /// } /// } /// /// @media (max-width: 320px) { /// .something { /// font-size: 20px; /// } /// } /// /// @media (min-width: 720px) { /// .something { /// font-size: 30px; /// } /// } /// /// @example scss - Responsive font-size between 3 viewports /// .something { /// @include property(font-size, ( 320px: 20px, 720px: 30px, 1280px: 40px )); /// } /// /// // Generates: /// /// @media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 720px) { /// .something { /// font-size: calc(20px + 10 * ((100vw - 20px) / 400)); /// } /// } /// /// @media (min-width: 720px) and (max-width: 1280px) { /// .something { /// font-size: calc(30px + 10 * ((100vw - 30px) / 400)); /// } /// } /// /// @media (max-width: 320px) { /// .something { /// font-size: 20px; /// } /// } /// /// @media (min-width: 720px) { /// .something { /// font-size: 30px; /// } /// } /// @mixin property($props, $responsive-map, $fluid: true, $vertical: false) { @include env(map-keys($responsive-map), $fluid, $vertical) { @if type-of($props) == list { @each $prop in $props { #{$prop}: set(map-values($responsive-map)); } } @else { #{$props}: set(map-values($responsive-map)); } } } /// /// Create a new responsive environment by specifying a set of viewports. /// Inside a responsive environment, use the set function to make a property scale automatically. /// /// @param {list} $viewports - Viewports sorted in ascending order /// @param {bool} $fluid [true] - If enabled, property values will smoothly transition from one viewport to the next /// @param {bool} $vertical [false] - If enabled, property viewport height will be used instead of viewport width /// /// @content /// /// @see {function} set /// /// @example scss - Responsive font-size between 2 viewports /// .something { /// @include env((320px, 720px)) { /// font-size: set(20px, 30px); /// } /// } /// /// // Generates: /// /// @media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 720px) { /// .something { /// font-size: calc(20px + 10 * ((100vw - 20px) / 400)); /// } /// } /// /// @media (max-width: 320px) { /// .something { /// font-size: 20px; /// } /// } /// /// @media (min-width: 720px) { /// .something { /// font-size: 30px; /// } /// } /// @mixin env($viewports, $fluid: true, $vertical: false) { @if length($viewports) <= 1 { @error '$viewports must contain at least two viewports.'; } $new-viewports: (); @each $viewport in $viewports { @if $support-named-viewports and global-variable-exists(breakpoints) { @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $viewport) { $viewport: map-get($breakpoints, $viewport); } } @if (type-of($viewport) != number) or unitless($viewport) { @error '$viewports contains invalid viewports.'; } $new-viewports: append($new-viewports, $viewport); } $viewports: functions.quicksort($new-viewports); @if $new-viewports != $viewports { @error '$viewports was not sorted in ascending order.'; } @if $fluid { $first-vp: nth($viewports, 1); $last-vp: nth($viewports, length($viewports)); @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': set, 'index': 1, 'fluid': $fluid, 'vertical': $vertical, )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); @for $i from 1 to length($viewports) { $prev-vp: nth($viewports, $i); $next-vp: nth($viewports, $i + 1); @if not $vertical { @media (min-width: $prev-vp) and (max-width: $next-vp) { @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': transition, 'index': $i, 'fluid': $fluid, 'vertical': $vertical, )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); } } @else { @media (min-height: $prev-vp) and (max-height: $next-vp) { @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': transition, 'index': $i, 'fluid': $fluid, 'vertical': $vertical, )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); } } } @if not $vertical { @media (min-width: $last-vp) { @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': set, 'index': length($viewports), 'fluid': $fluid, 'vertical': $vertical, )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); } } @else { @media (min-height: $last-vp) { @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': set, 'index': length($viewports), 'fluid': $fluid, 'vertical': $vertical, )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); } } } @else { @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': set, 'index': 1, 'fluid': $fluid, 'vertical': $vertical, )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); @for $i from 2 through length($viewports) { $vp: nth($viewports, $i); @if not $vertical { @media (min-width: $vp) { @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': set, 'index': $i )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); } } @else { @media (min-height: $vp) { @include contexts.push($context-id, 'env', ( 'viewports': $viewports, 'mode': set, 'index': $i )); @content; @include contexts.pop($context-id); } } } } } /// /// Make a property scale automatically inside a responsive environment. /// /// @param {list} $values - Value for each viewport in the responsive environment. The first value will be used for the first viewport, the second value for the second viewport, and so on. /// /// @return {number|string} /// @function set($values, $without-calc: false) { $noop: contexts.assert-stack-must-contain($context-id, 'env'); $data: nth(contexts.get($context-id, 'env'), 2); $viewports: map-get($data, 'viewports'); $mode: map-get($data, 'mode'); $fluid: map-get($data, 'fluid'); $vertical: map-get($data, 'vertical'); @if length($values) != length($viewports) { @error '$values must contain the same number of items as the responsive environment\'s $viewports.'; } @if $mode == set { @return nth($values, map-get($data, 'index')); } @else { $index: map-get($data, 'index'); $prev-vp: nth($viewports, $index); $next-vp: nth($viewports, $index + 1); $prev-value: nth($values, $index); $next-value: nth($values, $index + 1); @return fluid-calc($prev-value, $next-value, $prev-vp, $next-vp, $vertical, $without-calc); } } /// /// Generate the calc() function that uniformly scales a value from $min-value to $max-value depending /// on the viewport width. /// /// @param {number} $min-value - Minimum value /// @param {number} $max-value - Maximum value /// @param {number} $min-viewport - Minimum viewport size /// @param {number} $max-viewport - Maximum viewport size /// @param {bool} $vertical [false] - If enabled, property viewport height will be used instead of viewport width /// /// @access private /// @function fluid-calc($min-value, $max-value, $min-viewport, $max-viewport, $vertical: false, $without-calc: false) { $value-unit: unit($min-value); $max-value-unit: unit($max-value); $viewport-unit: unit($min-viewport); $max-viewport-unit: unit($max-viewport); @if $min-value == 0 { $value-unit: $max-value-unit; } @if $max-value == 0 { $max-value-unit: $value-unit; } @if $min-viewport == 0 { $viewport-unit: $max-viewport-unit; } @if $max-viewport == 0 { $max-viewport-unit: $viewport-unit; } @if ($value-unit != $max-value-unit) or ($viewport-unit != $max-viewport-unit) { @error 'Units of $min-value and $max-value, $min-viewport and $max-viewport must match.'; } @if ($value-unit == rem) and ($viewport-unit == px) { $min-viewport: functions.px-to-rem($min-viewport); $max-viewport: functions.px-to-rem($max-viewport); $viewport-unit: rem; } @else if ($value-unit == px) and ($viewport-unit == rem) { $min-value: functions.px-to-rem($min-value); $max-value: functions.px-to-rem($max-value); $value-unit: rem; } @if $value-unit != $viewport-unit { @error 'This combination of units is not supported.'; } $value-diff: functions.strip-unit($max-value - $min-value); $viewport-diff: functions.strip-unit($max-viewport - $min-viewport); $calc: ''; @if $min-value != 0 { $calc: '#{$min-value} + '; } @if not $vertical { $calc: unquote('#{$calc}#{$value-diff} * (100vw - #{$min-viewport}) / #{$viewport-diff}'); } @else { $calc: unquote('#{$calc}#{$value-diff} * (100vh - #{$min-viewport}) / #{$viewport-diff}'); } @if $without-calc { @return $calc; } @else { @return calc(#{$calc}); } } @include contexts.create($context-id);