@include describe('Contexts') { @include it('Creating / deleting context stacks') { @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-create('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was created'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-delete('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was deleted'); } @include it('Adding / removing contexts') { @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-create('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was created'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'ctx', 1234), 'ctx' 1234, 'Check if context 1 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'another', 'text'), 'another' 'text', 'Check if context 2 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'ctx', 56), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if context 3 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-pop('test'), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if context 3 was popped'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-pop('test'), 'another' 'text', 'Check if context 2 was popped'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-pop('test'), 'ctx' 1234, 'Check if context 1 was popped'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-delete('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was deleted'); } @include it('Clearing / counting context stacks') { @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-create('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was created'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'ctx', 1234), 'ctx' 1234, 'Check if context 1 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'another', 'text'), 'another' 'text', 'Check if context 2 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'ctx', 56), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if context 3 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-count('test'), 3, 'Check if context stack contains 3 contexts'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-pop('test'), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if context 3 was popped'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-count('test'), 2, 'Check if context stack contains 2 contexts'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-clear('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was cleared'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-count('test'), 0, 'Check if context stack contains no contexts'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-delete('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was deleted'); } @include it('Retrieving contexts') { @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-create('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was created'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'ctx', 1234), 'ctx' 1234, 'Check if context 1 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'another', 'text'), 'another' 'text', 'Check if context 2 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'ctx', 56), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if context 3 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', 1), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if context at position 1 is context 3'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', 'ctx'), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if latest context with id "ctx" is context 3'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', 2), 'another' 'text', 'Check if latest context with id "another" is context 2'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-pop('test'), 'ctx' 56, 'Check if context 3 was popped'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', 1), 'another' 'text', 'Check if context at position 1 is context 2'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', -1), 'ctx' 1234, 'Check if latest context with id "ctx" is context 1'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-push('test', 'more', 'string'), 'more' 'string', 'Check if context 4 was pushed'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', 1), 'more' 'string', 'Check if context at position 1 is context 4'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', 'more'), 'more' 'string', 'Check if latest context with id "more" is context 4'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-pop('test'), 'more' 'string', 'Check if context 4 was popped'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-pop('test'), 'another' 'text', 'Check if context 2 was popped'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-get('test', 1), iro-context-get('test', -1), 'Check if first and last context are context 1'); @include assert-equal(iro-context-stack-delete('test'), null, 'Check if context stack was deleted'); } }