// sass-lint:disable empty-args @use 'sass:map'; @use 'true' as *; @use '../src/functions'; @use '../src/props'; @include describe('Property trees') { @include it('Validate names') { $map-valid: ( --background: #fff, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ) ) ); $map-invalid: ( --background: #fff, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( background: #f00, text: #fff ) ) ); @include assert-equal(props.validate($map-valid), true, 'Check valid map'); @include assert-equal(props.validate($map-invalid), false, 'Check invalid map'); } @include it('Save / Delete') { $map: ( --background: #fff, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ) ) ); @include assert-equal(props.store($map), null, 'Save default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.clear(), null, 'Delete default tree'); } @include it('Read') { $map1: ( --background: #fff, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ) ) ); $map2: ( --background: #222, --text: #fff, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ) ) ); $map3: ( --background: #666, --text: #222, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #0f0, --text: #000 ) ) ); @include assert-equal(props.store($map1), null, 'Save default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.store($map2, 'test'), null, 'Save "test" tree'); @include props.namespace('ns') { @include assert-equal(props.store($map3, 'namespaced'), null, 'Save "namespaced" tree'); } @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--background), map-get($map1, --background), 'Get --background in default'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--buttons --primary --background), map-get($map1, --buttons, --primary, --background), 'Get --buttons --primary --background in default'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--box, $default: false), false, 'Get nonexistent in default'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--background, 'test'), map-get($map2, --background), 'Get --background in "test"'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--buttons --primary --background, 'test'), map-get($map2, --buttons, --primary, --background), 'Get --buttons --primary --background in "test"'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--box, 'test', $default: false), false, 'Get nonexistent in "test"'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--background, 'namespaced', $default: false), false, 'Get --background in "namespaced"'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--ns --background, 'namespaced'), map-get($map3, --background), 'Get --ns --background in "namespaced"'); @include props.namespace('ns') { @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--background, 'namespaced'), map-get($map3, --background), 'Get namespaced --background in "namespaced"'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--buttons --primary --background, 'namespaced'), map-get($map3, --buttons, --primary, --background), 'Get namespaced --buttons --primary --background in "namespaced"'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--box, 'namespaced', $default: false), false, 'Get namespaced nonexistent in "namespaced"'); } @include assert-equal(props.clear(), null, 'Delete default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.clear('test'), null, 'Delete "test" tree'); @include assert-equal(props.clear('namespaced'), null, 'Delete "namespaced" tree'); } @include it('Overwrite') { $map1: ( --background: #fff, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ) ) ); $map2: ( --background: #eee, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #00f ) ) ); @include assert-equal(props.store($map1), null, 'Save default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.store($map2, $merge: true), null, 'Overwrite default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(), map.deep-merge($map1, $map2), 'After update, get whole map'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--background), map-get($map2, --background), 'After update, get --background'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--text), map-get($map2, --text), 'After update, get --text'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--buttons --primary --text), map-get($map1, --buttons, --primary, --text), 'After update, get --buttons --primary --text'); @include assert-equal(props.clear(), null, 'Delete default tree'); } @include it('Native assignment') { $map: ( --background: #fff, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ), --default: ( --background: #ddd, --text: #000 ) ) ); @include assert('Simple') { @include props.store($map); @include output { @include props.assign; } @include expect { --background: #{map-get($map, --background)}; --text: #{map-get($map, --text)}; --buttons--primary--background: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --primary, --background)}; --buttons--primary--text: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --primary, --text)}; --buttons--default--background: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --default, --background)}; --buttons--default--text: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --default, --text)}; } @include props.clear; } @include assert('Filtered') { @include props.store($map); @include output { @include props.assign($skip: --buttons); } @include expect { --background: #{map-get($map, --background)}; --text: #{map-get($map, --text)}; } @include props.clear; } @include assert('Namespaced') { @include props.namespace('ns') { @include props.store($map); } @include output { @include props.assign; } @include expect { --ns--background: #{map-get($map, --background)}; --ns--text: #{map-get($map, --text)}; --ns--buttons--primary--background: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --primary, --background)}; --ns--buttons--primary--text: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --primary, --text)}; --ns--buttons--default--background: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --default, --background)}; --ns--buttons--default--text: #{map-get($map, --buttons, --default, --text)}; } @include props.clear; } } @include it('Native get') { $map: ( --background: #fff, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ), --default: ( --background: #ddd, --text: #000 ) ) ); @include assert-equal(props.store($map), null, 'Save default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.get(--background), var(--background), 'Get --background'); @include assert-equal(props.get(--buttons --primary --text), var(--buttons--primary--text), 'Get --buttons --primary --text'); @include assert-equal(props.get(--buttons --secondary --text, $default: false), var(--buttons--secondary--text, false), 'Get --buttons --secondary --text with default'); @include props.namespace('buttons') { @include assert-equal(props.get(--primary --text), var(--buttons--primary--text), 'Get via namespace "buttons" --primary --text'); @include assert-equal(props.get(--secondary --text, $default: false), var(--buttons--secondary--text, false), 'Get via namespace "buttons" --secondary --text with default'); } @include assert-equal(props.get(--buttons), ( --primary: ( --background: var(--buttons--primary--background), --text: var(--buttons--primary--text) ), --default: ( --background: var(--buttons--default--background), --text: var(--buttons--default--text) ) ), 'Get --buttons recursively'); @include assert-equal(props.clear(), null, 'Delete default tree'); } @include it('References') { $map1: ( --background: #fff, --text: #000, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: #f00, --text: #fff ) ) ); $map2: ( --background: #eee, --buttons: ( --primary: ( --background: props.ref($key: --background) ), --default: props.ref($key: --buttons --primary) ) ); @include assert-equal(props.store($map1), null, 'Save default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.store($map2, 'second'), null, 'Save "second" tree'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--buttons --primary --background, 'second'), map-get($map1, --background), 'Get referenced value'); @include assert-equal(props.get(--buttons --primary --background, 'second'), var(--buttons--primary--background), 'Get referenced value, native'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--buttons --default, 'second'), map-get($map1, --buttons, --primary), 'Get referenced subtree, whole'); @include assert-equal(props.get-static(--buttons --default --background, 'second'), map-get($map1, --buttons, --primary, --background), 'Get referenced subtree, inner value'); @include assert-equal(props.get(--buttons --default --background, 'second'), var(--buttons--default--background), 'Get referenced subtree, native'); @include assert('Native assignment') { @include output { @include props.assign('second'); } @include expect { --background: #{map-get($map2, --background)}; --buttons--primary--background: #{map-get($map1, --background)}; --buttons--default--background: #{map-get($map1, --buttons, --primary, --background)}; --buttons--default--text: #{map-get($map1, --buttons, --primary, --text)}; } } @include assert-equal(props.clear(), null, 'Delete default tree'); @include assert-equal(props.clear('second'), null, 'Delete "second" tree'); } }