--- title: Home --- (test) # Volpeon's Den Welcome to my website! I'm Volpeon, a red fox doing human things such as programming, creating vector art, and running a website. ## Find me Here's a complete list of my profiles on other platforms. It helps you find me elsewhere and it serves as a proof that those profiles are legitimately mine. I'll make sure to keep this list up-to-date. - **Bandcamp:** [volpeon](https://bandcamp.com/volpeon) - **Email:** me@volpeon.ink - **Fediverse:** @volpeon@fedi.vulpes.one - **GitHub:** [volpeon](https://github.com/volpeon) - **IRC:** volpeon on [Furnet](irc://irc.furnet.org:6667), [Freenode](irc://chat.freenode.net:6697) - **Steam:** [volpeon](https://steamcommunity.com/id/volpeon/) - **XMPP:** <available> ## OMEMO Fingerprints - CB07051B E223EF70 8EE8F665 BBFCEF00 83415C45 DCA31906 F2362543 F5543449 - C2C575EE 0236965C 4DBAA7EA 12F9EC90 AFD57B2C F75B3F32 70F3D393 2EDA3A08