local path = require 'pandoc.path' function pandoc.List:flatMap(fn) local mapped = self:map(fn) local result = pandoc.List() for i = 1, #mapped do result:extend(mapped[i]) end return result end function pandoc.List:take(n) if n >= #self then return self end local result = pandoc.List() for i = 1, n do result:insert(self[i]) end return result end function format_date(date) if not date then return date end date = pandoc.utils.normalize_date(pandoc.utils.stringify(date)) local year, month, day = date:match("(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)") if not year then return nil end local time = os.time({ year = tonumber(year), month = tonumber(month), day = tonumber(day) }) return { yyyy_mm_dd = os.date("%F", time), yyyy = os.date("%Y", time), mm = os.date("%m", time), dd = os.date("%d", time), rfc3339 = os.date("%FT%T+00:00", time), long = os.date("%B %d, %Y", time), short = os.date("%b %d, %y", time), } end function table_to_list(t, kv, cmp) local l = pandoc.List() if kv then for key, value in pairs(t) do l:insert({ key = key, value = value }) end else for _, value in pairs(t) do l:insert(value) end end l:sort(cmp or function(i1, i2) return i1.key < i2.key end) return l end function make_absolute(rel, base) return path.is_absolute(rel) and rel or path.join({ path.directory(base), rel }) end function resolve_url(site_url, ref_file, target_file) target_file = target_file:gsub("/index%.html$", "/") local ref_base_dir = path.directory(ref_file) local abs = target_file local rel = path.make_relative(abs, ref_base_dir, true) local full = (abs:sub(1, 1) == "/" and (site_url .. abs)) or abs return { abs = abs, rel = rel, full = full } end function resolve_layout(depth) local layout = "categorized_list" if depth == "0" then layout = "page" elseif depth == "1" then layout = "list" end return layout end function prep_layout(layout) layout = pandoc.utils.stringify(layout) return { id = layout, ["is_" .. layout] = true } end function resolve_namespace(namespace) namespace = pandoc.utils.stringify(namespace) local root = "index" if namespace ~= "" then root = namespace:gsub("^/([^/]*).*$", "%1") end return { root = { id = root, ["is_" .. root] = true }, full = namespace } end function prep_menu(active_id, main_menu) local active_item = nil local items = pandoc.List() for i = 1, #main_menu do local item = main_menu[i] local active = pandoc.utils.stringify(item.id) == active_id item.active = active if active then active_item = item end if not item.hidden or item.active then items:insert(item) end end return { items = items, active = active_item } end function process_pages(global, parent, order, pages_by_id) if not pages_by_id then return nil end local pages_all = pandoc.List() local pages_date_desc = pandoc.List() for _, page in pairs(pages_by_id) do local p = process(global, parent, page) if not p.unlisted then pages_all:insert(p) if p.date then pages_date_desc:insert(p) end end end pages_all:sort(function(p1, p2) if p1.position then if p2.position then return tonumber(p1.position) < tonumber(p2.position) else return true end elseif p2.position then return false elseif order == "date_desc" then if p1.date then if p2.date then return p1.date.yyyy_mm_dd > p2.date.yyyy_mm_dd else return true end else return false end else return p1.title:upper() < p2.title:upper() end end) pages_date_desc:sort(function(p1, p2) if p1.position then if p2.position then return tonumber(p1.position) < tonumber(p2.position) else return true end else return p1.date.yyyy_mm_dd > p2.date.yyyy_mm_dd end end) local pages_data = { all = pages_all, date_desc = pages_date_desc, by_id = pages_by_id } return pages_data end local titlecase_exceptions = pandoc.List({ "a", "an", "and", "as", "at", "but", "by", "en", "for", "if", "in", "nor", "of", "on", "or", "per", "the", "to", "v%.?", "vs%.?", "via", }) function titlecase(str) return str:gsub("(%S)(%S*)(%s*)", function(a, b, space) local word = a .. b local is_exception = word:match("%u") or titlecase_exceptions:find_if( function(exception) return word:match("^" .. exception .. "$") end) if is_exception then return word .. space end return string.upper(a) .. b .. space end) end function find_depth(pages) local depth = 0 for i = 1, #pages do local p = pages[i] local d = tonumber(p.depth) if d > depth then depth = d end end depth = depth + 1 return tostring(depth) end function generate_list(meta) if not meta.pages then return nil end local limit = (meta.list_limit and tonumber(pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.list_limit))) or 9999 if meta.depth == "1" then return meta.pages.all:map(function(p) return { title = p.title, subtitle = p.subtitle, date = p.date, url = p.url, icon = p.icon or meta.icon, post_icon = meta.list_post_icon, indicator = meta.list_read_indicators, } end) elseif meta.depth == "2" then return meta.pages.all:map(function(cat) local allItems = ((cat.pages and cat.pages.all) or pandoc.List()):map(function(p) return { title = p.title, subtitle = p.subtitle, date = p.date, url = p.url, icon = p.icon or cat.icon, post_icon = cat.list_post_icon or meta.list_post_icon, indicator = cat.list_read_indicators, } end) local items = allItems:take(limit) local omitted = #allItems - #items return { title = cat.title, content = cat.content, url = cat.url, grid = cat.list_grid, items = items, total = tostring(#allItems), omitted = omitted ~= 0 and tostring(omitted), } end):filter(function(cat) return #cat.items ~= 0 end) elseif meta.depth == "3" then return meta.pages.all:map(function(cat) local allItems = (cat.pages and cat.pages.all or pandoc.List()):flatMap(function(c) if c.pages then return c.pages.all:map(function(p) return { title = p.title, subtitle = p.subtitle, category = c.title, url = p.url, icon = p.icon or c.icon, post_icon = c.list_post_icon or cat.list_post_icon, indicator = c.list_read_indicators, } end) else local l = pandoc.List() l:insert({ title = c.title, subtitle = c.subtitle, url = c.url, icon = c.icon or cat.icon, post_icon = cat.list_post_icon, indicator = cat.list_read_indicators, }) return l end end) local items = allItems:take(limit) local omitted = #allItems - #items return { title = cat.title, content = cat.content, url = cat.url, grid = cat.list_grid, items = items, total = tostring(#allItems), omitted = omitted ~= 0 and tostring(omitted), } end):filter(function(cat) return #cat.items ~= 0 end) end end function process(global, parent, meta) meta.namespace = resolve_namespace(meta.namespace) meta.file_out = pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.file_out):gsub("^out", "") meta.redirect = meta.url and true meta.url = meta.url and pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.url) meta.url = resolve_url(global.site.url, global.file_out, meta.url or meta.file_out) meta.title = (meta.title and pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.title)) or "" if meta.titlecase ~= false then meta.title = titlecase(meta.title) end if meta.list_order then meta.list_order = pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.list_order) end if meta.position then meta.position = pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.position) end if meta.feed then if meta.file_out:match(".html$") then meta.feed = { url = resolve_url(global.site.url, global.file_out, meta.file_out:gsub(".html$", ".xml")), } else meta.page = { url = resolve_url(global.site.url, global.file_out, meta.file_out:gsub(".xml$", ".html")), } end end if meta.preview then meta.preview = make_absolute(pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.preview), meta.file_out) meta.preview = resolve_url(global.site.url, global.file_out, meta.preview) end if meta.menus and meta.menus.main then meta.menus.main = prep_menu(meta.namespace.root.id, meta.menus.main) end meta.pages = process_pages(global, { parent = parent, meta = meta }, meta.list_order, meta.pages) meta.depth = (meta.pages and find_depth(meta.pages.all)) or "0" meta.layout = prep_layout(meta.layout or (meta.redirect and "redirect") or resolve_layout(meta.depth)) if meta.date then meta.date = format_date(meta.date) elseif meta.pages and #meta.pages.date_desc ~= 0 then meta.date = meta.pages.date_desc[1].date end if meta.last_update then meta.last_update = format_date(meta.last_update) elseif meta.pages and #meta.pages.date_desc ~= 0 then meta.last_update = meta.pages.date_desc[1].last_update elseif meta.date then meta.last_update = meta.date end meta.list = generate_list(meta) return meta end function Meta(meta) meta.site.url = pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.site.url):gsub("/$", "") return process(meta, nil, meta) end